Partnering for Practice Success




Your Trusted Partner for Virtual Registered Nurse Services

How It Works

Propel Practice Management partners with Virtual RNS – the leader in providing professional licensed registerednurses virtually. Improve your workflow, save money, and spend more time with your patients.

Free Consultation

Virtual RNS will review your existing staff and workflow and find areas of improvement that VirtualRN could help!

Soft Launch

After consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to take Virtual RNS for a test drive with a soft launch. 

Go Live

After the trial, we’ll roll out the services to your entire operations with Registered Nurses work exclusively for you.

What We Offer

Virtual RNS is the leader in providing professional licensed registered nurses virtually. Improve your workflow, save money, and spend more time with your patients.

Remote Support Service for Propel Practice Managment

Remote Scheduling

Virtual RNS can help you manage your practice’s day-to-day activities better with our highly effective personalized Virtual Medical Scheduling Services.

Remote Support Service for Propel Practice Managment

Remote Scribing

Virtual RNS can help you create the best workflow that will result in higher patient satisfaction and a better work-life balance for you.

Remote Support Service for Propel Practice Managment

Remote Support

Our team is able to provide streamlined services from a remote location, ensuring that your medical needs and remote patient monitoring are taken care of without any disruption to your daily routine. Hire a virtual medical professional now!

Remote Support Service for Propel Practice Managment

Virtual Medical Assistant

Our team is able to provide you with up-to-date information on the latest treatments and services so you can make well-informed decisions about your health. We also provide advice on how to maintain good physical and mental health, and patient care, and enable you to stay healthy and active.

Ready For a More Profitable Practice?

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